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  1、In my heart, accompany and understand, is more important than love.-------在我的心里,守候与明白,比爱情更为关键。

  2、Every time give up easily, it is a failure in life.-------每一次随便的舍弃, 全是人生的一处败笔。

  3、If you look for a road, why go to inquire about how long to go.-------即然你认准了一条路面,何苦去探听要走多长时间。

  4、Sometimes, one can rely on the shoulder, and a read my silence, is the only thing I need.-------有时候,有一个可以依赖的肩部,和一个在乎你的沉默的人,便是我唯一必须的。

  5、If you look this way, why care about how long to go...-------你即然认准了这条道路,又何苦在乎要走多长时间。。。

  6、Suddenly my heart, want a trip, no destination, just want to get out of here.-------忽然我心,要想一次旅行,沒有终点,只想要先离去这儿。

  7、Sometimes, listen to some songs, thinking about something, not consciously eyes redness.-------有时候,听着一些歌,惦记着一些事,不自觉的眼圈就有红血丝。

  8、Parting is sentimental. For some people, missed, never to see.-------别离是伤感的。由于有的人,错过了,就始终看不到。

  9、Sometimes I can see very lightly, I sometimes persistent down.-------有时候我能看得很恬淡、有时候我又固执得有一些无奈。

  10、Every time give up easily, it is a failure in life.-------每一次随便的舍弃,全是人生的一处败笔。经典语句

  11、Most of the time, my heart it is not like that, but not control myself and say the opposite of what.-------许多情况下,内心本来并不是那般想的,却无法控制自身而讲出相对得话。

  12、Some love, far to enjoy. Some feelings, keep smiling, pass by!-------有一些喜爱,远远赏析就行。有一些情感,面带微笑,经过就行!

  13、Love someone, not necessarily to be lovers, sometimes, you just have to be friends. Only in this way, can be a long time!-------喜爱别人,并不一定要变成情侣,有时候,能做朋友就已充足。 只有如此,才可以长期!

  14、In life, there are always accidentaly across the warmth and hope, life and growth in nature.------人生,总是会有不期而至的溫暖,和源远流长的期待。-

  15、When you want to... The corner of his mouth turned upward, the tears fall down. In...-------想念你的时候...嘴巴在往上面翘, 泪水在掉下来....


