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  Part Ⅰ Writing

  The Importance of Speaking Ability and Howto Develop It

  As we all know, proficiency in speaking is necessary for us to becomewell-roundedcommunicators. However, the capacity to put words together in ameaningful way toreflect thoughts, opinions, and feelings is not something we'reborn with but needs sometechniques and practice.

  Firstly, build confidence and concentrate on getting our message across,which help usgain the attention of the audience return. Secondly, experimentwith the things we knowwell instead of challenging ourselves with difficultwords since fluency appears moreimportant during oral communication. Lastly,create some opportunities to practice likenarrating our daily life to ourselvesor maintaining a regular chat with friends.

  To sum up, only by being confident enough and using efficient methods canweenhance our speaking ability. Follow the steps to improve our speaking skillsin order toachieve a higher standard in communication.

  Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension

  说明:由于2018年6月四级考试全国共考了两套听力, 本套真题听力与前两套内容相同, 只是选项顺序不同, 因此在本套真题中不再重复出现。

  Part III Reading Comprehension

  26-35: CLFJE GIBKH

  36-45: FCIEB KHDAG

  46-55: ABCDB DCBDA

  Part IV Translation

  In recent years, more and more cities in China have begun to build subways.Thedevelopment of subways can help reduce traffic congestion and air pollutionin cities. The subway has the advantages of safety, speed and comfort. More andmore peoplechoose the subway as the main means of transportation to work orschool every day. Nowadays, it is becoming more and more convenient to take thesubway in China. Insome cities, passengers can use a card or a mobile phone totake the subway. Many localelderly citizens can also take the subway forfree.


  1、absent from 缺席,不在

  2、accustomed to 习惯于...,常...

  3、applicable to 可应用于,适应于

  4、ashamed of 对...感到惭愧,羞耻

  5、aware of 意识到,知道

  6、beneficial to 对...有益,对...有利

  7、blind to 对...视而不见;盲目的

  8、capable of 有...能力/技能的;能...的,可...的

  9、characteristic of 特有的,表示...特性的

  10、common to 共同的,共有的

  11、compatible with 与...和谐相处,符合

  12、confident of 确信,相信

  13、conscious of 意识到,知道

  14、consistent with 与...符合,与...一致

  15、content with 对...感到满意

  16、contrary to 和...相反,违犯

  17、convenient to/for 对...方便

  18、crazy about/on 对...着迷,热衷

  19、crazy for 渴望

  20、critical of 对...感到不满,对...表示谴责

  21、dependent on/upon 依靠,依赖

  22、distinct from 与...不同

  23、perse from 和...不一样

  24、doubtful about/of 对...怀疑

  25、due to 因为,由于;应归于

  26、eager for/after 渴求...

  27、economical of 节俭,节约

  28、equivalent to 等于,相当于

  29、essential to/for 必要的,基本的,不可少的

  30、familiar to/with 熟悉

  31、fit for 适合...,能胜任...

  32、fond of 喜欢

  33、foreign to 陌生的;与...无关,不相干

  34、good at 擅长

  35、generous in/with(doing) 慷慨,大方

  36、grateful to sb. for 对...表示感谢

  37、guilty of 犯了...罪,对...感到内疚

  38、helpful to 对...有益,对...有帮助

  39、identical to/with 与...完全相同/相似

  40、ignorant of 无知,不知道

  41、independent of 不依赖,不依靠

  42、indispensable for/to 必需的

  43、inferior to 不如,劣于

  44、innocent of 无罪的,清白的

  45、jealous of 妒忌...,爱惜

  46、keen on 对...着迷,喜爱

  47、liable to 易患...的,应受制裁的

  48、loyal to 对...忠诚的

  49、married to 和...结婚

  50、new to 没有,不熟悉


  1.in the long run 从长远来看,最后

  2.on offer 在出售中

  3.choose from... 从...中挑选

  4.be curious about... 对...感到好奇

  5.confront with... 使面临, 使面对

  6.with interest 有地

  7.an average of ... 平均是...

  8.at high altitudes 在很高的地方

  9.draw one’s attention 吸引某人的注意

  10.focus on 集中

  11.in years to come 在未来的几年内

  12.as a matter of fact 实际上

  13.adopt a positive approach 采取一种正确的方法

  14.wait for 等待

  15.pass through 经过, 通过

  16.a sequence of 一系列的

  17.set apart from 把...区分开

  18.take ... for granted 以...为骄傲

  19.be aware of/that 注意到

  20.translate into 翻译成

  21.set in 开始

  22.intend to do 想要做

  23.looking forward to 期望

  24.be built from... 用...去建造

  25.a wide variety of 很多的

  26.at advanced levels 在高级范围内

  27.carry out 完成,实施

  28.according to 根据

  29.aim to do 指望做某事

  30.make sacrifices to do 做出牺牲而做
